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Everything posted by LadyDragonfly

  1. Thank you all for your input. I greatly appreciate it. The seller sent me a photo of the motor. When I asked her about the cams, I sent her a photo, she said she had never seen anything like that, and honestly I truly wouldn't use many of them. I'm going to contact her to see if I can go test the machine myself. I feel that would give me more information on whether or not I'm going to have any problems with it if I were to purchase it.
  2. I'm actually looking at it more for sewing patches onto leather. While my little machine I have, is quite a workhorse, it doesn't give me any room to turn items easier for better sewing. I did finally get her to let me know that there IS a motor with it. But I will also ask her about the "accessory cams". Thank you for your input.
  3. I did a search and didn't find anything on this machine. I have someone fairly close to me selling this machine for $600. She's shown pictures of the machine and of the stitching. I'm really new to this, so I was wondering if anyone could give me a pricing guide. Unfortunately getting information out of her seems to be like pulling teeth. I asked her if she's ever sewn on leather. No response. I asked her if it was manual or motorized, no response. I don't want to buy something that isn't worth the money she's asking. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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