Hi, everyone, first post here using an account. I am trying to re-create a belt (see attached photo) and want to do it in a couple of different colors. I can source and supply all the necessary materials. I do not at this time have sufficient skill with leather, and I have only about half the tools I'd need. This is something I’d rather see done right than done by me. I think it would be pretty easy for someone else with more proficiency. A bit of heavy-gauge stitching on the thick blank and the use of collar buttons (or whatever you call them) are involved. Is there anyone on here who would be interested, or be able to recommend someone else, where I would send them the leather blanks and hardware and perhaps even the thread if necessary?
You might notice the placement of the collar buttons is a little off versus the pattern of the holes in the attached photo. That’s because when the local cobbler adjusted the sizing of the store-bought belt, he didn’t line things up quite right. FYI this isn't a special copyrighted design, I've seen variations on this style elsewhere, but this one I happen to already have handy.