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About LionHeart

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  1. Anyone have any experience or opinion on Zelikovitz Top Coat?
  2. Thanks Fred. Got any pictures of projects where you have used this stuff? Thanks
  3. I let the belt sit for quite a while in hopes that the spot would dry. Then hit it lightly with a blow dryer. It became clear that the stain was there to stay. Exposing the rest of the belt to water in order to make it the same color would make the rest of the belt just as dark as the stain, thus rendering it way darker than what I am willing to accept. As sick as I am about it, I'd rather just start over than have the whole belt super dark. Thanks anyway though.
  4. Hey guys. I have been finishing up my first leather belt project and was very pleased with how it turned out. Problem is, I had it laid out this morning to admire it and got a fairly large drop of water on the face of it. I began to realize that water stains leather and that this water drop has just ruined my belt. I tried to lightly sand the stain before realizing how deeply it had penitrated. I sanded, and sanded, and sanded. Out of pure frustration I determined that I was going to absolutely get to the bottom of the stain no matter what. I took out a square blade and began to remove bits of leather until I had created a huge divot. Sigh, as far as I am concerned the belt is ruined and it is time to start over. Lesson learned. What I'm looking for now is a top coat that can be applied to make the next belt be able to withstand water exposure, and hopefully prevent color transfer onto my britches. I am looking for something that will have the least affect on the color of the belt, and with absolutely as little shine or gloss as possible. For reference, this is a picture of the belt before I ruined it. Is there a top coat, protectant, or finish I can apply that would retain a somewhat matte finish and not darken the belt too much. Resolene seems to be pretty popular but just looking for any suggestions you guys are willing to offer. Thanks.
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