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Everything posted by punchy379

  1. Thanks!...it can be a little tough, I am just tired of the same old stuff and trying to change it up a little but still be functional!
  2. That's one of the great thing's about this web-site is seeing new thing's! I think these single buckle silvered up headstalls are kind of a great basin thing but I say if you like it and it works it dont matter where it comes from!!....thanks again!
  3. Thank you!...I get my silver from Hanson Western Gear in Oakdale California,they are great to work with and have a large selection in various qualities, and there prices are even better!
  4. That is what I thought, thank you for the input!! WOW that is great thanks a bunch!!
  5. thanks for stopping buy:cheers:
  6. Thanks for looking Tim,that is a good observation however, bit clips have been around for many many moons and I have used them myself on a wide range of horses, they seem to fit very well, in my line of work that is the most important part if I buy it at the local saddle shop or build it myself (because I can't afford it..lol) it has got to fit for all day use.......thanks for the interest!!
  7. I just finished this re-make of an old school style (with my own twist) headstall, just thought I would see what anyone thought...it's my first attempt and am hoping to do some more,anyway let me now what you guys think...thanks for taking a look!
  8. I was wondering if anybody knew were a guy could find a briefcase kit anymore??? Any input would really great!!!
  9. Can anyone tell me about a TACSEW T111-155, I am think I found a good deal on one but dont know much about the brand name,and I am wondering if it would be a good one for my first sewing machine, any information would be great on this one or any other ideas on other ones thanks.
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