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Everything posted by Raksha

  1. Thanks! I use mystery braids on collars, but have to make som bracelets too :D Have to try that one too :D I love the diversity in leather works!
  2. I have keyrings :D So it is just the design part I am stuck.
  3. Hi there, I don't know if I am in the right subforum for this, but I have a question about tips for easy small beginner projects. I am going to sell them for charity on a local event 27. july this summer. And I need som inspiration on what to make. Here are some things I have made allready and are going to duplucate and give a better edge finish and so on. Coin purse ( I dont really know if I leagaly can sell this? Boght the pattern on ebay...) Braded collar Have a few collar design I can use. And bracelet (This one is made in a hurry for my soon to be five years old daughter, I am working on getting the flowers and hearts better cut) I thoght of some keyholder or something like that... But I am out of inspiration. One more question if I may. What is this type of work called? An where can I find a better instruction?
  4. When the kid is sick and mom do not want to do housekeeping : Bracelet She is almost 5 years old, and does not mind all my mistakes :D
  5. Thanks guys, I really apriciate your experience. Have not found solid rivets in the shops i usualy use for hardware. Any good tips on online shops with world wide shipping with an ok price?
  6. What kind of glue? Have used 2,5 mm thick leather now, and the collar I made for my 25kg saluki holds up nice, but the one - similar - for another lighter dog, the rivets fly off.
  7. Yes, never used copper rivets so I really do not know what it is. (google here I come) Thanks! :D
  8. I have used rivets for some dog collars and stuff, but lately I just can't seem to get them to hold. I can pull them off with no effort at all. Is there some hidden secret to getting them to stick?
  9. Cool! There are several ways of tanning; freeze the pelts untill you are ready to try. Then salt, let them stay for a while in the salt, then depending on the tanning methode deflesh/tan - brake - oil. I use alun tan or brain tan (using egg instead of brain). I made 26 pelts (only 6 of them where home tanned) as seating pads (? for use outdoors when hiking and stuff) as prices for a local cross country ski race here this easter. Made dem special with leather straps and stuff. I'm cutting down on the rabbits at the moment, have not decided how many I am going to keep. Probably less than 10 for breeding. Had 86 adults on the most. Too much for me.
  10. Thank you I am at the moment testing swivelknife - fun! A soulmate! We have rex and meatmixes :D Do you use the pelt?
  11. Hi! I am new to the leather world, and do not have anything I really want to show of yet. My goal is to make collars for dogs (have saluki and basenji), maby some bridles and so on for horses, and I really want to make my self a leather satchel bag. I want to learn everything, at once. Patience? Not så much. But I am here to learn. I also have meat rabbits and woud like to make use of the fur in some projects. . I live in Norway and my english reading and understanding is better than my writing. 34 year old female with hubby, a kid, dogs, cats, horses, chicken, ducks, rabbits, and far too few hours in the day.
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