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About Cerbenix

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  1. Thank you for the advice. I just tried some acetone on a small piece and sure enough all the dark brown color came off very easily and the leather underneath is quite good looking. Maybe ill try dyeing if I want a different color, but so far removing the current finish on it looks like the way to go. Thanks again.
  2. Just tried it and there was no black smoke and smelled like burning hair.
  3. Hello all. My mom was getting rid of some old clothes and she had this old leather jacket that she was throwing away and I had an idea of repurposing the leather for some projects. I haven't worked with leather before, but I'v always wanted to. I think leather is a very nice material. So I cut up the jacket at the seams to make leather sheets that I could work with. But after doing that and thinking of ideas for projects to do with it, I noticed that the leather is rather thin, maybe 2-3 mm and is very very soft. Scratching the leather with my fingernail wears it down quickly. I have attached a picture of how the leather looks. Is there anyway to make the leather a bit tougher?
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