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Everything posted by InquisitiveMind

  1. I would if I knew how to make one but I am not good with hand work
  2. its already made i just have to seal it. i didnt make it. its made by a store called buddy belts
  3. I'd buy a biothane harness if it was made in the same style as the buddy belt and was made stronger too but i cant find one like it
  4. Hey guys, I am new here. I know very little abput leather other than not to get it wet or dirty. I am thinking of buying a dog harness made by buddy-belt the one I want is the original red leather one. Made of real leather and bright red color. The one I originally got was one with fake leather I used to test it out. The fake leather keeps stretching as the dog pulls a lot. Is there anyway to reinforce the real leather one from tearing? As well as make it 100% water proof without making it look crappy? It needs to withstand the rain, as it is a harness for a little dog who has a habit of escaping harnesses. Its a long story, basically was adopted last year. She doesn't chew on collars or harnesses but manages to get out of them. So I want it to prevent her from leaving said harness... but that's another story. I guess what I want to do is make the leather last longer, reduce stretching from her pulling, make it liquid proof. Make it cleaneable by wiping. Any ideas? Would prefer if the sealant lasted longer before requiring reapplication. Has to be able to handle the fact that it's a harness so it will be flexible.
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