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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Sheridan Tooling
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  1. Did you get an email response from me? I ask because I don't know if your email came in under a different heading...haven't seen anything from Mountain Makin Momma yet Did you get a reply back from me via email? I ask because I don't remember seeing something from battlemunky, maybe your email came in under a different header
  2. I’ve inherited several large stores of assorted leather, much of it scrap, from my father. He was a leather worker who specialized in hand-tooling (much of it Sheridan style) with ambitions to start his own large scale operation but this never materialized. The cost of storing the leather is killing me, so I’m resolved to dispose of it. I’m looking for craftsmen/companies interested in relieving me of some of this stuff. I’m willing to box it up and ship it from Phoenix, Arizona, if you’re willing to pay for shipping materials and transport. No cost for the leather. You’re helping me by reducing my monthly storage costs, hopefully I’m helping you with some relief for material cost. I also have several pieces of industrial machinery: clickers, stitchers, splitters, sewing machines. It's old stuff that may not be operable, but we can talk about that stuff too if you are interested. Ultimately it comes down to the simple fact that I'm never going to use most of this stuff, need to get it off my hands, and believe my father would have wanted it in the hands of able leather workers. That's it. If you’re interested let me know. Best way to reach me is by email at ray.mullens@gmail.com Thanks for your time. -Ray
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