Thank you Wiz !
Well the Singer is up and running with a few new parts and a nice servo motor from the shop.
The Durkopp needed more parts than I was willing to buy, so it works, but not all that well, I will sell it off as I do not need two machines.
Now I am playing with the Singer, trying to get it to sew right, I am new to all of this so its a large learning curve.
When I picked it up from the shop they had it treadled and were sewing with it. I got it home, plugged it in after installing the new servo motor, used up the last of the tread on the test piece and it was working great. Re-treadled it and it all went to poo on me. After reading a bit more I should have not changed out the type and size of the top thread while keeping the heavy bobbin thread, as my top line lays flat and the bottom line comes up through the piece work (top thread was light cotton, bobbin was V-69). I played with the top tensions but it looks the same or it just breaks the tread. So today i will venture out and buy some V-92 Poly and a few new needles in 18-20 size and try it again!
I have a bunch of scrap vinyl that I am working with and I planned on using the V-92 Poly for my boat seats, so that is what I will try to get dialed in this weekend!