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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Dog collars
  • Interested in learning about
    using acrylic leather paints and techniques
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  1. Hi guys what hot stamping machine works best for biothane? I would like to buy one but not sure what to look for. Any recommendation whats best ?
  2. Waaaaaw the colours on the first picture are really beautiful.How do you get such a beautiful result? what kind of deys you are using? Do you think Angelus dyes would be better as I was thinking to try it on . So I dont have to put anything on the leather before I start dying or painting the leather?Shall I do the edges first before I paint or dye it the way that is round from both sides? also when I look at the collar the leather seems to be very dry so the colour comes off quicker that´s what I think I would like to have the leather real nice.what kind of iron you are using as I have no idea what you are tallking about /never heard of it yet / Pleeeease help me
  3. Hello it´s just a palin leather not sure what it´s called in english as I´m from Slovakia.
  4. Hello I would like to ask if someone can help with my leather project as I´m new to leathecraft. I´ve done a leather collar for my dog to do some testing using fiebings acrylic paint and finished it with fiebings resolene.After few day the color had come off real qick especially on the edges.What shall I use to make sure the color is sealed enogh and the collar will look nice for a long time as it´s oudoor thing.Any tips would be very helpful.
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