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About PleasureFace

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  1. I apologize for the lack of clarification perhaps I should habe stated this to be clearer for some people. But I am not looking for a link to the guide on their website I have already seen that, I am more so looking for someone's personal experience with embossing discs. Thank you though.
  2. Good Morning This is my first post on here,very excited to have joined this forum! I have been crafting for a few months now and have been really having a killer time with it, I work for a distributor of medieval weapons and armor and was turned onto the hobby by a co-worker of mine. I have been making bracelets, bags, lighter cases, and a whole bunch of stuff and feel there is definitely potential for this kind of skill where I am currently working. Onto the actual subject matter... I would really like to get into using these embossing plates I found on this website https://www.shop.bunkhousetools.com/Embossing-Plates_c4.htm?page=15 but am not 100% on what kind of press I should use and any tools or accessories I would need to do very deep and detailed impressions with these discs. I would appreciate it sooo much if somebody could shed a little bit of light onto this for me as I have no experience with presses.
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