First time I have posted on a public forum so please bear with me. I am a cabinet maker and have no real experience of working with leather but have a commission to make a backgammon set out of walnut with a leather board surface. I therefore have a number of questions:
1. What would be the best type of leather to use to get a nice even surface using three different colours (one background colour and two colours for the alternating spikes).
2. Do I need a splitter or should I be able to buy the three leather colours in a uniform thickness?
3. What is the best glue for gluing the leather to an mdf substrate
4. I want to get very precise cuts for the alternating spikes (basically elongated isosceles triangles) and was thinking this might best be done with a shaped cutter. Does anyone know where I might buy such a shaped cutter and, if not, does anyone have any recommendations as to how I cut the triangles and get nice neat points at the top of each so that I end up with tight fitting joints and a uniformly flat surface?
5 what would be a good finish for the leather which I guess needs to be relatively hard wearing to allow for the counters to move over the surface and for dice to be constantly thrown on it.
As you can probably tell from the questions, I really don’t have any prior knowledge of working with leather so any help would be most welcome.