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Everything posted by Sugarkryptonite

  1. Thanks. Yes I followed Uwe's video. I wouldn't say the hook is extremely pointy, but not extremely dull either, could probably do with a sharpening. I actually found this thread which is quite interesting, and I believe to be the exact cause of the problem I'm having. http://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/70546-thread-gets-caught-under-hook-occasionally/ Also was just curious how you guys set your thread tensions when you only have 1 color of thread? Right now I'm using 2 to be sure of the tensions and get it set up, but don't want to have to do that every time.
  2. Thanks. I had it like that, but then messed around with it a bit. I think I'll take it out again and set it. I had it so that if I hung the bobbin case from the thread vertically, if I jerked it vertically it would fall a slight amount and stop. Does that sound about right? I'll double check all the points the thread runs through, also will recheck my timing tomorrow as I believe it had changed a bit since I reinstalled the thread tension release slider. As for the thread take up spring, I did exactly as you mentioned, wound it around once clockwise until it seats on the little nub that sticks out to hold it. How much tension and at what angle do you set yours at? I'd say mine is at medium tension right now. This is how I have it oriented: Thanks for all your help.
  3. Thanks, I'll try that. Were you able to fix it on yours? I'm having a hell of a time finding a medium between the top and bottom tensions. Sewing through 2 layers of leather or vinyl seems to work pretty well, the lock is in the middle of the fabric (can't be seen anyway), but as soon as I try to sew one layer, I get loops. Adjusting does help but still not perfect. It seems extremely finicky, with even an 1/8 turn on the top tension wheel makes a crazy difference, is that normal? I'm using a #20 needle with 92 thread. Are we suppose to set the bobbin tension first, and then go from there adjusting the top? How much is normal on the top tension adjustment? Mine is almost backed off all the way. Also here's more pictures of the thread getting caught in the bobbin area that I was talking about: When this happens (almost every time sewing), after I'm done sewing, I lift the presser foot and attempt to pull my piece out, but its stuck in there, locked in with the top thread that has gotten pulled and caught in the bobbin area. After I cut them all I can pull it out obviously. I can then get the small piece of top thread out of t he bobbin area by turning the machine backwards slightly until it gets loose and I can pull the short piece of thread out. Bobbin thread and needle thread are still loose during this whole ordeal, it's just that small piece that keeps getting stuck in there for some reason. I have tried putting different amounts of pressure on the threads at the back when starting with my hand, but no difference. Also, where should this piece be in relation to the bobbin case? There is a slight adjustment and I'm not sure where to place it exactly. Also I think an adjustment for the thread take up spring is in order as well. Right now I have it only slightly sprung, and it is parallel with the machine lengthwise if that makes any sense.
  4. Yup! I made sure to do that. Also I noticed that on the stitches, the thread is at a slight angle between each hole, maybe like 10-15 degrees. Probably unrelated but still a problem. Brand new needle.
  5. Got it back together today. Had to take the new wrong thread release slide that I was sent, cut it in half, and weld it to my old one to make a functional piece. Also had to add some weld to the tip of the thread release pin because it was worn down from so much use. I'm now having an issue where part of my top thread is getting caught under the bobbin case. I can still sew fine (although top tension appears to be way too tight, even backed off all the way, bobbin tension seems to be good), until the end, when I lift the presser foot and try to pull my piece out. It's jammed in there, with 4 threads attached to the material and the machine, all a big mess. I had timed the machine and adjusted the bobbin tension a few weeks ago, but this is the first time I use the machine with a motor. Anyone have any ideas? Timing off? Need to check it again.
  6. Dad was able to get all my packages yesterday at our P.O. box in NY. Got some small parts, screws, bobbins, and my new servo motor. I had bought a new belt this past week, the same size as my old one, thinking that it would fit the servo motor, but nope.... Was able to make up some parts with my dad to get it to fit temporarily with this belt. Unfortunately some problems with the parts I got...was sent the wrong thread tension release slide, and the switch on the servo motor was broken out of the box.
  7. Glenn, I'm not sure what you mean exactly. When I raise the foot, the spring gets loose, not under tension, is that what you meant?
  8. Good idea, thanks! I think that might be the problem, too. If I hold the top of the rod where the second bend is and stop it from twisting, it's much smoother. Any idea about setting the spring height/tension with the set screw on the rod itself? Thanks Gregg! Appreciated.
  9. Hi guys and gals, I finally got the machine installed in my room, messed around with the table quite a bit, installed and removed the legs, moved them over, bla bla, looks pretty good. I was hoping someone could help me with adjusting the presser foot knee lift. Whenever I do it, the rod on the machine seems to want to twist, and then all of a sudden it "lets go", and makes a spring type noise. From the videos I've watched, the action is suppose to be smooth. Also, could someone explain how to adjust the spring that is on the rod itself with the set screw? Not sure where to set it exactly. Also, with the machine set at its lowest indicated of 5 stitches per inch, it produces an actual 6. Is there a way to adjust that, or is that the lowest the machine will go mechanically? I read you can adjust the set screw on the dial to make it read "true", but the adjustment will still bottom out in the same place, correct? Thirdly, the little aluminum looking piece on the front of the machine that you thread through 3 times is loose and moves up and down. Is that normal, or does it need to be tightened? As you can see in the last pic, the rod has been rubbing on the machine every time it moves up and down, not sure if it's the bend that it has is wrong or what...Not sure what they're suppose to look like.
  10. Thanks Ron! You're right, my mistake as I had the motor in my cart at the same time. I saw after that it was $12. So we can come any time to the address listed on your website and buy thread/needles/etc anything listed on your site?
  11. Just what I had on hand really, plus it's a more natural look. I was thinking of using poly and sometimes still wish I did... It's just more of a pain to get rid of after if you don't like it how it looks. From what I see it can look pretty plasticy
  12. Thanks Thanks! I had started sanding it in the hopes of getting it more uniform in color, but in the end decided against it and just to leave it how it was. I used mineral spirits to clean the top after I sanded it a bit, then just applied the finishing wax (yeah in a paste form, but made for wood). And yes if you wanted to apply urethane or shallac after you would definitely have to remove the wax. This top had some sort of shellac on it and was clogging up my sandpaper discs every 5 seconds...But like I said I just used mineral spirits to wipe it down then applied the wax, about 5 coats in total to get it to feel smooth. Worked on the foot pedal today since the table and machine didn't come with it (it was removed for some reason). Started out by designing the piece to be cut in Autocad, then cut it out on my dad's CNC plasma. Then bent it up on our sheet metal break. Finally, made some inserts for the mounts on the table to allow the pedal to pivot. Still need to weld up the corners and paint/apply some rubber or something to the face of it.
  13. Just another update since I managed to get everything painted, the legs assembled, as well as the top coated with finishing wax. Doesn't look half bad. Christmas present I got! And one of my dad's current project...Pullmax custom metal shaper Some more pictures from the shop And my dads custom made CNC Plasma table, which I will use to cut out the foot pedal I need to make.
  14. Thanks Don, did you make the cover yourself? I'd love to make one out of clear vinyl so I can still admire the machine from under the cover as I pass by
  15. Thanks! Nice! Where did you get your Coats Dabond from?
  16. Thanks. I ended up buying the servo motor online in the end. Never heard of polyester thread (I'm just starting). Is there a special use case for it? When should I sew with polyester vs nylon?
  17. Thanks yea I've seen them online before. Have you ever made an order with them? Their ordering process seems quite bizarre.
  18. I could, just prefer the ease of shopping online is all. Traffic is disgusting in this city Thanks again
  19. Thanks! Didn't know Techsew was in Montreal. $27 for shipping for a 1/2 lb of thread, yikes... And I live in Montreal too. Crazy
  20. Hey guys Anyone know of any websites right now with boxing day deals on servo motors or their whole website? Just looking at one of the cheaper $100 ones. Also looking for a place to buy Singer 111W153 bobbins and needles at the same time if possible. If not, just any good source at all will do. I know there's eBay and Amazon, just wondering what else there is. Also, thoughts on the 550 model vs the smaller brushless 1000 model? Thanks
  21. Thanks! And yeah I would really like to get one, but I'm in Canada so just been trying to find a place that has some in stock for a decent-enough price...unfortunately Canadian prices are normally pretty crazy compared to our southern brethren. At this point I'm not even sure where to get thread/needles/fabric etc in Canada for my first project lol
  22. Thanks! Will give me a starting point at least.
  23. Thanks guys! Would any of you be able to measure the pedals on your tables? I got this machine and the pedal was taken off so I need to make one to replace it but don't know what dimensions to make it... Also if anyone could post some detailed pictures of their pedal it would be greatly appreciated!
  24. Hi guys I just got this as my first machine from my uncle who had it sitting in his basement for the past few years. He had it for a while and used it to fix horse blankets for people at shows when my cousin was into the horse game. I'm excited to have it and love how it looks! We turned on the motor and it ran well in his basement. My plan is to just do quick cleanup on the machine (while leaving the original patina), clean up the table with new paint on the legs and a wood treatment for the top (also keeping the patina), and hopefully get it running nicely to sew some stuff! Some pics attached. So far I've cleaned up the machine, oiled it up, disassembled the whole table, sandblasted the legs, painted them (now letting them dry). Next step is going to be applying the wood treatment for the top which I will hopefully do in the next few days. Oh and btw, from another thread I made, with the help of some members here, we were able to determine that this machine was built around 1943 in Bridgeport, USA!
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