Hi All-
I've been on the site for a few weeks now, just soaking things up. Finally got some leather and a few tools from Barry King about a week and a half ago, have been practising a bit, and I think I've made a little headway since the first couple of timid impressions I made. I am going to post my third attempt at carving something, finished yesterday, and would welcome any comments. I also have a couple of questions:
What to do with the non-beveled side of this style leaf? I just used the thumbprint (a little too roughly, I think) and couldn't decide whether it should also get the leaf liner and veiner.
Mulefeet. They might be a problem for me. After studying lots of pictures, and just can't seem to intuitively tell where they should go. I actually got my mulefeet via UPS from Hidecrafters just yesterday and I used them on this carving straight out of the box. What I learned is that making a straight, even impression isn't as easy as it looks, and I need to stamp deeper.
As an aside, I found the pattern I used for this on LW, and I can't seem to find the post again to thank whoever it was who put it up. But thanks- and my apologies for hacking it slightly to fit my piece of leather.
Finally, don't mind my flower center. I don't have a proper one yet, it's on the way, and had to improvise using a seeder- again not stamping quite deep enough.