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About Annemiek222

  • Birthday 03/21/1972

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Tooling, making bags, patterns, horses

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Not yet developed
  • Interested in learning about
    Horse tack
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Through Facebook groups

Annemiek222's Achievements

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  1. I put some new steel wool in the solution and dipped the leather pieces back in. They turned blackish. Did not expect that, because of the fact that the bath with baking soda made the leather more basic than acidic. But… it is still possible that the black will fade again when dried, I think. So what is your advice to do next? Leave to dry? Rinse in plain water? Have I damaged the leather?
  2. I made de vinegaroon earlier following a ‘recipe’ that required the steel wool to stay in de the vinegar for quite some time. The solution turned into a brownish slurrie. I put it through a sieve and used it and all items turned black. I bathed the items in some water with backing soda and it all worked nicely. I had some vinagaroon left and stored it. Tried to use it on some new leather items, but it did not do anything anymore. So made some more. Steel wool and vinegar, left it 10-20 hours, tested a drop in leather it turned black, yeay. Prepared some straps to be coloured and dunked them in the solution. It turned grayish, took the straps out and waited. They did turn blackish so okay, happy. Put them in a water bath with some backing soda… stayed blackish, went to bed and the next morning find the straps dried and lost most of the colour…. Is this what the backing soda bath does? Or.. is the vinegaroon not strong enough yet? I really don’t know what to think of it. On the right a piece of scrap leather. I used that one to test the vinegaroon (you can see black dots on it). I also dunked it halfway (the part with the black dots was submerged in the vinegaroon) and did not rinse it with the backing soda bath.
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