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  1. Thanks this helps.
  2. I am new here and to leather crafting. I’ve been designing and making wallets and other leather items. I have bought thread at Tandy and hobby lobby, but have never gave thought as to the thread size I’m using. I just get what’s available and what I think looks good. I watch videos where people use a smaller thread size for smaller stitch holes with less distance between and a larger thread size for projects with bigger stitching holes that are spaced farther apart. None of these videos I watch actually give both the actual size of the thread and where the best place to purchase? So, my question is. What are the two most commonly used thread sizes for leather crafts such as wallets, belts, small bags? Where to purchase and is there a particular brand that’s the best? I’m reading nylon bonded or linen thread that needs to be waxed. Thanks.
  3. Did you ever find a pattern? I’m looking as well. I can’t even find tutorials on how to hand make moc toe boots. It’s like top secret, just can’t seem to find anything?
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