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Everything posted by RipDyna1991to2017

  1. Im making a gusset thats wet formed, similar to a U gusset. Im having a hard time figuring how to punch straight holes/make straight cuts once the leather is no longer flat. Im starting with a piece of veg tan thats close to the shape i need, but after wet forming and cutting off the excess, the gusset edges arnt perfectly straight. Once glued, i would sand the edges flat/equal to the body, but i wanted to count and pre punch the gusset holes so theyd be equal the holes on the case. I tried using the exact shape i need, but the leather stretched and dried different then how i had planned with my pattern. I hope this makes sense, its a simple problem i believe, but im struggling to come up with a solution. Thanks for your time, any help is appreciated. Usually i would just punch the holes on the other side of the piece, but it would be awkward because theres only a small lip.
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