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  1. Thanks for your help !!! Although it is not comfortable for me, I like that there are still people selling like in old school! haha
  2. Thank you very much for your response Genn! I take your message to consult you then! Do you know if Cowboy presser foot goes on my machine? Because if they don't want to sell me at Hightex, I can do it on a Chinese page! Thank you very much for your recommendation about the flat throat plate, do you have any recommendations about where I can buy it? Since you said your machine has many toys, can you recommend something else? That was the initial spirit of my thread!
  3. I ask you again why I need your help, I already have the machine in my possession is a Typical 441. I sent an email to the Cowboysew page and they tell me that the presser foot they sell for Juki 441 does not work on Typical 441. Anyone know if this is correct? I leave a picture of the presser foot of my machine so you can see it!
  4. Thanks for your reply! In Argentina it is the only machine in stock of this model, so there are no accessories, everything must be imported, so my query. Maybe you knew where to buy or you could tell me if the ones that sell on the Cowboy page are the same ones that sell in China. Thank you!
  5. I am from Argentina, and I do leather work, from bags to belts. I asked my question because maybe for the same price they sell in China someone could recommend another brand with better quality. Today with the internet it is not very important where you live, but it is important when someone helps you! That's why I made my query!
  6. Hello, Finally today I bought my new machine, a Typical model 441, in about 15 days I will have it in my possession, I needed your help and recommendation to know what accessories to buy and if they recommend any special page or I do it directly through Aliexpress in China. This is what I was looking at: Right & Left & Center Foot For Juki Tsc-441 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000077505712.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000060.1.755f1555bPlLs5&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreThisSeller&scm=1007.13339.146401.0&scm_id=1007.13339.146401.0&scm-url=1007.13339.146401.0&pvid=df2665f8-4765-4b11-a44b-5e157510806b Double Toe Foot Set For Juki Tsc-441 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000077673046.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1fbd42f1eqKe2R&algo_pvid=1d0c5377-7c97-47be-99bd-ad473ce00c22&algo_expid=1d0c5377-7c97-47be-99bd-ad473ce00c22-38&btsid=66cb456c-f230-48bf-87f0-332721853d49&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5,searchweb201603_53 Suspended Edge Guide I think this is not the right one, if anyone knows where to buy it, I appreciate it! https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33049505307.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6f9931ccW1BnOR&algo_pvid=35554ebd-df54-4335-80b8-3fafd80c981d&algo_expid=35554ebd-df54-4335-80b8-3fafd80c981d-41&btsid=cf70a450-aca0-4540-9b6d-4aa011880f44&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5,searchweb201603_53 Thank you all for your help as always!
  7. Yes, I know that they are different machines, so I want to have both to complement each other! In my country there are many problems with imports of Chinese products, so there are many specialists in old machines such as the Adler 205. I'm going to try to get an Adler 205 then, if I don't get it I'll try the Typical! Thank you very much for your help!
  8. I don't care about Adler, I have one at home! already I am also living in Argentina at 441 and Adler are difficult to buy because it is not easily achieved, as I am looking for it, if I can not get to 205-370 or 374, but I am very interested in your opinion! my adler's current photo
  9. Hello, I have to decide between these machines an adler 205 used in good condition or a typical 441 new. What do you look like? with which model is better? thanks for your opinion!
  10. today they informed me the price of this machine ... 11,000 dollars hahaha We will continue looking for the singer!
  11. Yes, it's the 7411 he needs. Thank you!!
  12. This is the machine that he needs, the problem is that in Argentina there should not be any, you will have to consult what is the import price! http://www.cowboysew.com/461-super-long-cylinder-bed-sewing-machine.htm Does anyone know any place in the United States where they sell it to check the price? Thank you!
  13. ok, then the machine he needs is an 11-13 I'll check to see if anyone knows any working and for sale in my country! Thank you all so much for your help! You have a picture with an example of this?
  14. Thank you! The problem I have is that I am in Argentina, I am currently preparing an Adler 70/30 in very good condition. The same person who is repairing the Adler told me that there were some old Singer that could sew like the Alligator. He happened to me the photo of the black Singer but he says that he sews along the arm, I do not know if it will be true ...
  15. Hello, I'm from Argentina and a friend who is with a pole boots entrepreneurship I consult if there is a sewing machine that works parallel to the sewing arm. What he found is the following machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KInflV0HEdI <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KInflV0HEdI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> I told him that the closest thing to that economical is a Singer 29K but I would like to know if there is any other option with that style of sewing. I apologize for my English!
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