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Everything posted by D28

  1. I have a CB 3200 and love it. I mostly work medium to heavy veg tanned leather. Its tuned and working great. But on occasions I need to sew some lighter weight leather similar to garment leather and straps like on the case below.. The CB 3200 can definitely handle the 138/207 thread that I want to use, but I would prefer a flatbed for some of these materials as I do not want to keep re-threading and adjusting the 3200 for the lighter thread. Plus on ocassion I might want to use 92 thread as well. Do I need another machine for the volume that I produce? No.....but I want one.. I have looked at Juki, Consew, Techsew as well as the Cowboy 1541s. I want one with a servo than can slow it down to a walk. Any suggestions based on your personal preferences? I am not located where trying these out is feasible. I don't want to go crazy price wise, but figure under $2000 and less would be better. Suggestions?
  2. Looking smooth Rocky. It surely is faster than making knife slices. Great looking products that you have made.
  3. I use a Stohlman and an Osborne English paring knife. I have most of the other blade types as well but rarely use them. I feather edge of books with them and feel that I have more control than the razor blade types. They just need to be super sharp.....
  4. I am new to the board but have spent a lot of time reading past posts on topics. And I know that skiving has been a well visited subject. I am in process of getting a CB 3200 from Ryan Neal. I make mostly bags and cases and have an Ultrafeed clone that handles #69 and 92 thread quite well for thinner projects. I also do some leather binding of books. On occasion I may make straps and belts and such but most of the time I am dealing with 6oz. or less leather.My question is, considering the cost and need for space is a skiving machine worth all the money and space. I have read a lot of posts here about skiving and I own every kind of "miracle blade skivers and such and find they cannot compete with a good quality English style skiving knife once it is honed to razor sharpness. Currently I use both Stohlman's and Osborne English style skiving knives and do well with them. They are great for feather edging the leather on books in particular. And I feel that it is hard to beat a head knife on heavy leather. I like to keep it truly handmade but the sewing was killing me on bags and brief cases, satchels etc. time wise. So I researched and ordered the Cowboy. Below are pics of a tote, a leather bound Kitchen Journal and an ostrich leg leather wallet presented as examples of things that I skive edges on. I am not a heavy production company and I do well with the sharp knives. I know its a question that only I can answer for me, but what is your guys thoughts? Should I buy my wife of 40 years an anniversary present or say the heck with it and get myself a skiver and her a box of candy?
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