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Everything posted by dakota

  1. Im looking at having my leather cad designed and laser cut so it will make it a little better for me as I have bad elbows from 15 years of painting cars.
  2. [pan2.bmp pan2.bmp pan2.bmp pan2.bmp
  3. got the pans today and am very happy with the quality, food grade stainless steel, laser cut , sexy . will have pics of the flat pans tommorow
  4. Due to not knowing where to get seat pans in australia , I am getting some seat pans laser cut in stainless steel this week from a friend at his work. he is going to hand roll them and tig weld the screws at his place for free. they will be cut in 14 gauge and will also have pot rivet holes laser cut in. I have based the desight and shape on the west eagle seat pan. they are costing 49 us for the laser cutting and the rolling and tig welding is free. If anyone is interested in some I could post 5 or 10 (up to 20 kg ) for 21$ . I will have pics up later this week. Im hoping if I can do larger orders it will get the price down for me and any one else who wants them
  5. Just started leather work as I am interested in doing a bike seat for myself and find it very relaxing. Not really anywhere in Oz to go and learn so Im just having a go myself , very happy I found this forum. here are my second and third goes at it
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