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    marshall, nc
  • Interests
    designing, sewing, hiking, outdoors, nature, gardening

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  1. Thank you guys for replying, apologies for slow response, my life is crazy right now, running/building my business, while my husband and I design and plan our house build (that we are doing ourselves ) on 40 wooded mountain acres we finally acquired. All very fun stuff, just all consuming. I do like the look of waxed canvas and leather, very timeless, classic, and beefy. Id really like to make a gardeners belt as gardening/landscaping is one of my passions. Something like this: I have a juki lu 563 walking foot machine, Do you think I can use that to sew this? Or will it need to be hand sewn? I have some size 138 thread for my machine, will this be sufficient, and if I need to hand sew, what thread/needle? I may be wrong but it seems this leather is a bit thinner? I have a quite a bit more questions, but let me first express....I have so much to learn and I really appreciate y'alls time and knowledge. Looks like I will need to invest in some rivets, Do you have suggestions on a certain kind/sources? I have hole punches and all kinds of hardware. I also have both kam snap and goldstar heavy duty presses, it would be great if one of those could work for rivets, but Im willing to get some hand rivet setters. Is there a certain tool you would recommend for cutting? I have electric cutters that I use to cut through 10ish layers of waxed canvas. ONE LAST ONE: What kind of finishing would I need to do for the edges? SO many questions. lol. Once more I SINCERELY appreciate any info and time you are willing to give
  2. Hey there y’all, I currently have a business making durable gear from waxed canvas. I’ve wanted to try some leather work for a while now. A friend gave me about 30 26x14 sheets of 1/8” thick leather. His place of work used them to make stools. I’m curious if anyone has any idea of a good project for a beginner, I’d like to start experimenting with them. Im including some pics TYIA
  3. WELL i certainly love to challenge myself, haha. the foam will not be in the binded seam. but its a very large and bulky item! id be interested in seeing some photos of modified binders just to get an idea of what everyone has had to do...
  4. Thank you all so much for the info! Shortly after I posted this, I realized that if i just cut the adjustment slider hole a little longer it could work for me. I am glad I went ahead and got a 90 degree binder. All the videos I watched made it seem like it was so simple and easy, but, it hasnt been, wish I would have come here sooner as forums have always been the most helpful tool. I will definitely check out TAC.. It IS a 135x17 needle. Ill let ya know how it goes, excited to get to it and try it out. I am making banjo bags that are completely stuffed with 3/4 closed cell foam so its quite awkward sewing.
  5. Hi everyone! I am new here, and this is my first post. I work mostly with waxed canvas but am thinking about exploring leather soon. Once buying some new tools will be in the budget. I have a business, making waxed canvas bags. I make backpacks, duffles, instrument cases, all kinds of stuff. I havent really found a better forum for talking about industrial machines so I hope youll accept me here even though I am not a leather worker (yet) ANYWAY! I just bought a yamata fy335 walking foot cylinder bed machine. It came with the binder plate, but not attachment, and I am having a hard time locating the right one. I need just a single fold, and I need 2 sizes. one for 1.25'' and 1.5'' Was really hoping someone could help me out here. I bought one for a pfaff 335 thinking it would work because I think (?) my machine is its clone... and its the right KIND of binder but it doesnt push far enough towards the needle.. so when i sew it barely touches the edging
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