Interesting info in here that as a business owner, kind of turns my stomach. Bar tackers that aren't drapery/buttonhole pattern are hard to come by in my isolated region of Canada. I'm looking at purchasing one second hand that was reconditioned by our local sewing machine guy. The current owner of it said it never worked quite right until she had it put in to be reconditioned.
Although apparently the machine is now in working order, I do have some serious reservations about bringing a brute of an "antique" into daily use in my shop. A few questions I'd love to get some feedback on:
Is the 269 a concern for an operator who cannot service their own machine?
Is the tacker capable of handling bonded 69 thread without silicone (or is their a reservoir for silicone at all?)
How much life is realistically left in an overcomplicated machine model like this one?