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Everything posted by IZNTHESKY

  1. I have tinkered with leatherwork most of my life, but now that my son is taking up this hobby, it’s time we get a Machine to sew. I recently purchased a Singer 29K-70 (Barn Find). It was covered with everything from feed, grass, bug larve...and the poo that comes out of the reverse side of the goats and chickens that shared the barn with it. I realize that the Patcher is not the “ideal” leather crafting sewing machine, but it’s all we have to work with. I am asking : 1 . For advice on getting this machine up and running. 2. Cleaning tips advice. 3 . My son wants to create wallets, holsters for phones, flashlights & knives. Wallets etc etc. I have never had a machine, so I will value ALL advice that you provide. I thank you all in advance for sharing your wisdom.
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