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Everything posted by vovi

  1. I can see now that the first thing i should do is to thin the paint, because it builded up on top of the leather
  2. This looks pretty good for 8 years if you ask me. Tomorrow i will try it again with all your suggestions guys. What about sanding the top of leather off where the pattern is?
  3. I understand i cant make the collar to look like new for next 10 years, but still want to make something that will last more than just a few days, something more durable than this, because my dog had this collar on for a few days which is a very short period of time. As i said this is my first time working with leather so any suggestions are helpful
  4. Thank you so much for suggestions.... so how many layers of paint would be ok? What if I lightly sand the top of the leather strap off? I have thinned the resolene with water 1:1 and applied it very light, but it seems that there is no protection at all. Are 3 layers really enough? I have so many questions so thank you again
  5. this is the picture of the collar... IMG_9641 2.HEIC
  6. No, i dont thin the paint....
  7. Hello, I am new to this forum and from Slovenia-Europe so please excuse my grammar mistakes. Let me just say that i really like this page. It is awesome and so helpful! I am a professional dog collar maker, sewing the collars from webbing, but recently decided to start making leather dog collars. I use vegetable tanned natural leather, i paint patterns on it with Angelus acrylic paint, then I apply 6 layers of Resolene (50:50) and finish with beeswax conditioner. The problem is the Resolene finish, because after only a week of my dog wearing the collar, the top coat is totaly scratched, the paint is cracking and chipping away, its like there would be no protection layer at all. What am i doing wrong here?! What kind of durable finish do you recomend? Please help me, because i am loosing my mind
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