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Everything posted by jukejoe

  1. In my Pfaff h2L when I use the binder, the stich gets shorter than with out it....like 4mm. Then I look on the Typical and says over 7mm or 6mm stitch lenght..so thats good Also dont know whats the clone of the typical, maybe they copy a Juki model. But Im most worry about the Typical 335vb if is good for heavy materials , and using also leather as a binding tape...for bags and sturdy works.
  2. Thanks a lot for your fast response!!! Im from Argentina, so there´s not a lot of models to choose...I work with natural leather with a Pfaff 335 but the stitch lenght is very short. I notice a lot of people using Typicaland I might move to that one ...but only if is there some true advantage. Yes, Palermo Buenos Aires Argentina. Im new in the forum but I dont know whats the use of masking my true location..i think its a safe website here. Thanks again and greetings
  3. pfaff 335h2l or Typical 335VB ?? iS THERE ANY DIFFERENCE IN THIS 2 MODELS? WICH IS BEST AND WHY? THANKS!!!!!!
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