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Everything posted by Antonella

  1. Thanks Cowboy! is that info for a motor attached where the potted motor was, no treadle?
  2. Thanks Kgg, I don’t want to treadle. It looks by the photos that I could just trade out the fly wheel to a spoked one?
  3. Hi Guys! Can I convert a potted 201-2 motor to a belted motor? thanks! xo A
  4. Thank you soooo very much!!! xo a Thank you sooooo very much!! xo A
  5. Please help! I feel like a complete idiot!! I’m having trouble changing my needle on my 111w155. It’s so hard to get out! It feels stuck! I used pliers and got it out, slid a new one in pretty easy and now that one is stuck!! HELP!! xo a
  6. Hi! I’m new here. I’ve been reading so many of your posts and you guys are outstanding!! I hope you can help me with this. I think it sounds like a really stupid question, but seriously, I can’t figure it out!! I just got a singer 111w155, all is well, except the tilting table hinges. They are the metal and rubber combo. Every time I tilt the machine up to check under the machine, it wobbles out of place when I tilt it up. I bought new ones and they do the same thing. They are rectangular. Am I suppose to glue or screw these in? Do they make the metal to metal screw in kind. I wish it was more sturdy. Is there any thing I can do? thanks!! Antonella
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