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About BrokeStrand

  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 04/01/1965

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Arlington, Texas

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Knotting and Braiding
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    googled leather braiding
  1. Great work Megabit! I have seen some great examples of hondas on this site. I have a few questions about using one of these. How are they attached to the rope? How common are they used by competitive ropers? How common are they used on the ranch? Why are they used? To add weight or the speed of closing the loop? To me, every knot or splice creates a weak spot. Wouldn't a honda knot with a rawhide burner be stronger and just as durable? Thanks for any knowledge you can pass my way, JR
  2. Skyout, How does the bootom of you University of Florida knot look? Did it completely close up? This one gets really close: (not mine, merely used as axample) http://khww.net/photogallery.php?photo_id=1791 I can't find the image I want to use for a reference. I think it was a rock covered in rawhide with a ?px5b pineapple. The top closed up completely to form a star. Brian, You got it right. It is a heel knot with a 7x6 base. It got pretty tough when I reached the 5th interweave. I tried dressing it and of course found a mistake. I took most of it apart and tried again. It looks OK, but you can still see core at the top and bottom. Would it help if this were a type 3 pineapple? Thanks for your help, JR
  3. I have been working with these knots off and on for a couple of years now and there is a couple of things I can quite figure out. 1. When starting the first interweave, is there a rule for which side of the standing end you should start? I read in a post on one of the forums about a guy who which side of rhe standing end to start on and why but he didn't elaborate. 2. When covering a sphere with lace, how do you get the top and bottom to completely close up? I've seen some work where the ends were completely covered. I would like to add my name to the list of people who appreciate this site and KHWW for helping promote a fadig craft. JR
  4. See why I don't like it. I even messed up the description of my missunderstanding. What confused me was where you start counting strands. As far as I am concerned, a round braid must start with "around the back". So the first strand I come to is actually the outside strand on the opposite side (#6) (not #2 as I stated above). My logic is because an u1o1 6 strand round braid doesn't start with u5. I really appreciate the sharing of wisdom on this site. It has helped me avoid many hours of making mistakes. However, now I spend more time reading posts and looking at everyone's work. You guys are great.
  5. I can't seem to figure out how anyone can go u4 o2 with only 6 strands. If the working strand is #1, you go under 4 strands (that puts you at strand #5) and going over 2 strands would have you going over strand #6 and the working starnd (#1). Am I missing something here? I have worked a little with the 6 strand braid and don't care for it for the exact reason you thought something was wrong with yours. It doesn't look the way my mind thinks it should. Because I can't change reality (the way it looks), I just change my mind to use the number of strands that looks the way I think it should.
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