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  1. This is the underside of my machine. Do I have a missing oil container if yes where can I get it.
  2. I have gone through the above link / topic but it did not help. My question about pan/reservoir for oil below the bobbin area still remains. Can someone please answer that.
  3. I just bought in a good condition Singer 211A1121K but there is no pan or oil reservoir at the bottom. How is this machine oiled. I see 3/4 felt strips below the bottom portion of bobbin which are wet in oil but there is no pan or compartment to hold oil. Do I have a missing part / pan. If yes which one and where do I het it from.
  4. It only works when the top tension is very high otherwise I get birds nest at the bottom. I am using thread size 138 both in top and bottom. It also varies what I am stitching, two layers vs 5 layers. Any advice how to easily increase bobbin tension... any articles.
  5. OK I purchased the Singer 211 a1xxxk version for $650 with stand and new servo motor. Sews great but there is loose stitch on the top meaning I have to tighten thread coming out of bobbin. How do I do that for the top loading bigsize 1" bobbin. Are there any instructions on how to do it.
  6. Is the 211G 165 same as 211-A967KB in terms of reverse and big bobbin size ... ? 211-A967KB has reverse and big bobbin size as well.
  7. Actually the guy is local to me and I am driving to his place tomorrow to pickup "A" machine. We talked an he said he will charge me $650 for the tuned / serviced singer 211-A967KB plus a decent table and new 550 servo motor. It ready to go and I will get a chance to stitch whatever I want as test and then buy it. He has other machines as well. So should I go for Singer 211-A967KB or Consew-206RB series. !!!! Again ... Need it for sewing thread size 138 and to stitch leather, make ballistic nylon 1680 luggage and canvas tops and luggage work, upholstery etc etc. All for home purpose. Thanks for your input.
  8. I am getting a singer 211-A967KB japanese made with new servo motor and used table and machine fully serviced for $650. Is it worth it. Or should I go for a Japanese made older Consew 206RB which will be around the same price or maybe a little more. Need it for sewing thread size 138 and to stitch leather, make ballistic nylon 1680 luggage and canvas tops and luggage work, upholstery etc etc. All for home purpose. Please suggest which one should I go for or they are pretty much the same. How about parts availability. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Industrial-Sewing-Machine-Model-Singer-211-967White-single-walking-foot-Leather/174067537308?hash=item28873bd59c:g:bB8AAOSwJTZdp5R9
  9. To me looks like REX, Barracuda nd NewTech are opretty much made by the same company as they look exactly the same except the labeling and features like handle etc. Am I correct ?
  10. which is a better one REX-607 or Barracuda 200ZW
  11. I have a budget of $500 and looking for a new/used best walking foot sewing machine for thread size 138. Cannot go lower than thread size 138 as it is a requirement. This is for home and occasional business use. What are my most reliable and best stitch quality options. I do not have room for a industrial sewing machine table.
  12. How about a singer 29-4. Would that sew with thread #277
  13. I am on a lookout for Thompson PW-301 sewing machine as a cheaper alternative as well. What else is out there for thread #138.
  14. Hi everyone. I am new to the site and this is my first post / question ... What are my cheapest options / makes / models (both used and new) that can do the following ... Sew with thread size 207 - absolute must Sew canvas, upholstery, auto convertible tops, luggage etc. - absolute must (I am NOT stitching thick leather, just garment grade leather) Only need straight stitch. Reverse stitch and zig-zag NOT needed. Size - small to medium. I do not have room for big industrial sewing machine and its table in the house Possible walking foot - good to have but not sure if I need one Will only be used for occasional home projects and NOT commercial use Please do not make alternate smaller thread size machine recommendations like Singer 201 or 15-91 with thread size 69 or 92 etc. I already own singer 201-2, 15-91 and Kingston Deluxe Precision sewing machines. Need one that can use thick 207 thread. My target is to buy something that is less than $500
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