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Everything posted by dasflux

  1. Maybe I haven had enough coffee, can't find edit on this board. Here are direct URLS
  2. Can someone tell me what kind of leather this is and how do I address the scuff marks? I have tried Mohawks pull up revive even though I didnt think this was quite that. I did not work. I understand this is the nature of this leather. I am hearing a lot of conflicting opinions on this. Can someone that is a professional please tell me what this leather type is and how do I address the scuff marks for initial consistency, Work politics are in full effect.... It is not something you normally see on sofas and its not the typical aniline. Looks raw, slightly died/pigmented on the top and waxed to me. https://ibb.co/n8yZ7hq https://ibb.co/hKZtSFf https://ibb.co/s5WzpfL Here is a link the sofa https://www.klaussner.com/klaussner-pennington/ld58510ap-s-328/iteminformation.aspx
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