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Everything posted by Davidgbaron

  1. I appreciate everyone’s input! It really helped out a bunch. I think I’m going to make a reasonable offer on the machine and see if I can’t get it in the shop this weekend. I’m sure I’ll be back with more questions, thanks again.
  2. @Pintodeluxe Thanks a bunch for your input and advice! Do you think $1000 is a fair price? Here is a link to the machine https://denver.craigslist.org/bfs/d/denver-consew-206-rb1-industrial-sewing/7067789749.html @Colt W Knight Thanks Colt. Do you think that $1000 is a fair price? The link to the machine is above.
  3. @Northmount thanks a bunch! Sorry, still figuring this forum out.
  4. Hey there, I have the opportunity to purchase a consew 206rb1 for my leatherwork but am not sure if it will be sufficient for what I do? The machine is $1000 and comes with a table, servo, etc. I do lots of smaller leatherwork project, specifically lots of belts, spur straps, headstalls, and items like that. They are typically two pieces of veg tanned leather lined together and roughly 13oz thick, and no more than 15 oz. will this machine suffice and be able to handle those items? Thanks.
  5. Hey there. I’m newer to leatherwork and I’m really interested in getting a sewing machine to help me with my projects. I typically make a lot of two ply belts, spur straps, horse tack, etc. I was really hoping to find a machine that’s under $500 and can sew up to 12 ounce leather roughly. I don’t have a lot of experience with leather machines so I need something fairly user friendly and easy to work on/with. Thanks and let me know if you have anything!
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