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About dractul

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    Everything my brain can suck up.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Referred from Reddit.

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  1. I posted this previously - in another section and was pointed (by Blue Duck Creations) in this direction as a better alternative to my first request. I am looking for a skilled leather craftsman who can do tooling and fabrication of a custom purse and wallet for my wife. I have a design I drew, and I have examples of items that have a similar look to what I am seeking to have created. I can send the ideas to you via email after a private message. I have the budget to do what I want, I just don't have the artisan to craft it. Thank you for reading! ~ Lee
  2. Hi all, I was referred to here from Reddit. This is an awesome forum! I have a purse and wallet design I would like to see made into real life - but I need to find an artisan capable of doing it to discuss and hash out the details. So, question is, what section should I post something requesting someone to make an item? Thank you! ~ Lee
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