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  1. Thanks @BtownMN yes Ive learned all of this over time. It would not have been a thing if the salesman just explained anything at all to me at all. In the end it’s great stuff. A lot of work, 1/2” plus of nep on the flesh side needed to be skived off 50% of the flesh side. In the end I have some beautiful belts, about as thick as it can come. The patina on mine after just a few months a wonderfully Smokey caramel Thanks for the information & heads up on the Japanese as well. Thanks all
  2. That would be cool. Found out the stuff I had, before was a special order for Japan. It had no pours, amazing stud. Then I’ve friend a piece of dark brown it was different br still the waxy goodness. I’d love to mak a cuff out of a 9” piece of natural & any other colors if U have some scrap. I’m tactile my fingers pull out all the tanniens within a month. It’s a great way to test. Ya would be stoked Hanks a lot. Also posting what I figured out next. Cheers
  3. JCuk, thanks for the saddlery POV, Helps a lot. I asked for “the thickest” & The invoice AA Crack the supplier says “6-6.5 Bridle” likely where things went astray. The website is an overview. No mention of Natural or belting leather. Photo is one of my natural cuffs 4.5mm. In my experience nothing compairs to baker’s characteristics in weight or touch. The buttery waxy feel is addicting. Why that cuff has such a patina after 4 months. Also no water stains like vegtan! Matt- you mentioned a “Price list”, Any clue where I could find such a thing ?. Comparing costs will solve the mystery of what this is! Although as ridiculous as it may sounds I doubt it will matter to the manager of AA Crack. But great to know in the future thx again
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Ya I left out a lot of the story to keep it short. I was told the general manger looked at a couple blurry wides about a month ago and said it is a perfect example they would send out to anyone. The vender acts like he has never seen a bridle bend before, although when I first contact him he had black and Havana in stock. My guess is his QC never even looked at it. Emails with this company is like talking to lawyers. Disgusting organizations take zero responsibility & dont even care to offer any type of opinion or help in any way. He just sticks to what was said bye Mr. Parr the one time. I’m sure he left out all the information about what was the bend was for. Last week he washed his hands of me & said for me to contact Baker directly to find it what the deal is. No reply, I highly doubt he will reply. While a bend is expensive in the USA it is the same price as Sedgwick.. But forced $100 bank fees and $70 shipping add up. The reason only a few folks in this country use baker is the cost. The minimum is about 5 bends, but that is before shipping & fees which more then double the cost of the minimum. I read your article while I was looking to find a vender. Nice job thanks for sharing. Did you see anything like this. I’m not to sure what you mean bye “industrial belting”. All I’ve seen advertise in bends are bridle, bridle stirrup (extra greasy) & sole (hard as a rock) & misc shoe leathers. I would think if something was going to be used for industrial purposes they would use less premium part of the hide ??? Was under the impression it was chosen from the equestria bridle section. Do you know they sell industrial bends or is that a educated guess. it’s also weird they would sell to a shop who hyped them selfs as the premier leather shop in the U.K. thanks for you input. Every bit helps. In the end I’m most curious if there is some magic cleaner. I know that is a shot in dream. Thanks again best David
  5. Hello, I hope I’m in the right section, I’ve never posted anything before. 6 weeks of banging my head about this, it is time to ask for help! I’m curious if anyone can tell me what this leather bend is intended for and if there is a way to clean it up in order to use for my purposes? The back story! I ordered a J&FJ Baker 6.5mm Oak bark tanned “bridle” bend russet/ natural from a “top” ?!? dealer in the U.K. they have been zero help, only comment is they ordered “bridle”. Horrid customer service! I digress. My intention is to make clean belts & the vender understood this. I’ve used a variety of Baker colors in single strap form in the past. always perfect. There is nothing like it. Amazing stuff! The bend that arrived is not what I expected. The surface is entirely covered with discolored lash markings in varying degree, generally lighter in tone then the overall surface. Which is a bit darker then other natural I have seen in the past. The photos don’t capture how Marked up it really is. The proper color is closest to the lightest photo. The hand is smooth, a bit of a shine. The marks are not indented. While never estatic about fatty lines, I understand they fall under the weak excuse, “it’s a natural product”. So that is not what I’m referring to. 1/2 of the flesh side is covered in .25-.50” of nep. Assume paying to have that split will fix that. The bend is so thick even after shaving will still have 5-6mm of tight grain. Oak bark tanned Baker is famous it’s tight grain, old world process & quality. It cost what a full hide of USA “English bridle”. But it is really apples & oranges. I was paying for the perfection I’ve used in the past & see others using. I have deducted it is not a “sole bend” ! Does anyone know what this is? What is’s intended for & any ideas on how to salvage it so I can use it or worst case sell it to someone who does have a use for it. Have Many more Photos of what I expected & of the flesh side. Any direction would be greatly appreciated! Thanks David
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