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  • Birthday 09/07/2002

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    Sewing & entrepreneurship.

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  1. @dikman It was the accelerator unit, it moved its position. I don’t know how, maybe by the “E5 error”?
  2. It works now Thanks for the help
  3. @Constabulary Thank you so much for your time and help — I really appreciate it
  4. @dikman @Constabulary So I've tried to reset to factory settings, without any luck — because the machine still didn't work correctly. When I reset to factory settings, the display shows "OK", meaning the reset was successfully done. I wonder if it might have anything to do with the speed governor? It just seems very strange to me... Here's the manual: http://en.chinajack.com/DownLoad/201706271100232.pdf The manual is not exactly made for the same model, it seems (not sure tho). Image of E5-error Link to a demonstration video
  5. @dikman I'm going to try to reset the engine, and see if it's gonna help — hopefully, it will.
  6. @dikman I followed this tutorial video on YouTube, in order to solve the E5 error:
  7. Hello, I’m having such an annoying problem with my “JACK JK-513A” servo engine. The engine is connected to my “JUKI DDL-8700”. So here’s the issue: The engine won’t go any faster than 02 in speed... Even though the speed is set to 20-30. Everything worked fine just the other day. Today when I started to sew, I received an "E5 error" — after I solved the error, it seems like the machine won't sew any faster than 02. Please check the following demonstration video by clicking the link: Demonstration video Does anyone have an idea, of what I can do? (Btw. thanks for letting me join the community)
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