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About RyanWyvern

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  1. I believe I understand what you mean about the reinf piece. I am trying to to call it plate to limit confusion. The grip is going to fall outside of it a bit but I didn't want to run the backing plate too close to the maximum size of the pocket for fear that it would be very hard to get the whole thing in and out of the pocket. He doesn't plan on separating the plate at this time. I have tried to convince him to allow me to make it detachable so he has the option to run it correctly but so far no success.
  2. Again apologies for the crudeness of the drawing. Backing plate would ride between the leg and the firearm with the idea being that it would fill the cargo pocket and keep the weapon oriented correctly in the pocket. Again this is only going to be used in cargo pockets. Thoughts? I am not trying to question your expertise but I want to understand why something like this could be dangerous. I am struggling to see how he would fumble for the firearm. I wouldn't think the draw process would be much different than JLs's design but maybe I am missing something. I
  3. Thanks for the feedback Dwight. Maybe I haven't represented what I am doing effectively. I had picked up some 5-6 oz for the project that is "floppy" IMO. I didn't have any intention on making it hard. Ignore the trigger moulding in my photo as that was just me goofing around with the prototype. As to the "plate" I was going to attach it either with stitching or screw posts similar to JLS's pocket holsters. The oddity with this one is that the user wants the "plate" to be between the gun and his leg as opposed to facing out. My understanding is that the plate is typically carried away from the leg so that it prints like a wallet. In this case the user isn't worried about printing as this will always be carried in a cargo pocket. All of that being said I don't have a desire to make something that is unsafe for the user, but I am thinking the concerns you expressed are more a symptom of my failure to effectively explain what I am doing more than the actual design. Maybe I can draw something up that will effectively communicate my thoughts.
  4. I tried to talk him out of it. Wants the backing plate against the leg. The reinforcement piece on top I am free to change. Do those typically span both sides of the slide in something like this? All I am adding it for is to add rigidity to the leather that covers the gun.
  5. It is. I made the prototype prior to him telling me he wanted it wrong sided. ill just flip the pattern. I am making enough changes that this pattern won't get used in its current state anyways but yet itll be flipped
  6. excuse the roughness of this as it is a prototype. I already have several changes I am going to make to it, but concerning the reinf plate I am referring to that like that runs down the slide labeled reinf. There will be a separate (pocket shaped) backer as well, but I was thinking about reinforcement for the leather along the slide. You also get a good idea of the weapon light size in this and can see where i want to bring the stitch in to add a bit of a s "Stop" at the end of the barrel but I am kicking around the idea of adding a plate because that could look really nice.
  7. For the hole in the end I was just going to bring the stitch in a little but at the nose to narrow it up. Anything wrong with doing that? I could totally stitch a piece in there though.
  8. I wondered if you'd chime in seeing as you appear to be the gold standard on these. I started prototyping something out on my own. Going to use some 5-6oz herman oak and I don't want to waste any. This is for a glock 43x and he doesn't want to wear it the proper way. Wants the backing plate against the leg instead of facing out just to make sure the gun stays oriented correctly in his cargo pocket. (not worried about printing) To add to the complexity there is a weapon light on the front so the opening at the end of the barrel is much bigger than is typical and also means i cant do any molding around the trigger because the weapon light will bind up coming through any trigger molding on draw causing a tougher draw. From a quick mockup out of leather i can see im going to need to add a reinforcement piece along the slide as well. Any other considerations I should take into account?
  9. Hello Everyone, I did a cursory search and didn't see this topic specifically so apologies if it has already been asked. Are there any tutorials, video or otherwise, paid or otherwise, on doing leather pocket holsters with the backing plate? Thinking for cargo pocket. Thanks, Ryan
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