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Everything posted by SewingBill

  1. Thanks everyone for the feedback. Into the machine with the advice given. Appreciate it.
  2. .All, I have a 111G156 and have got it figured out....I think.... When I brought it, it had been disassembled and reassembled badly out of time so it took a bit to get it to sew. Sews well now, but the issue is that the largest stitch I can get out of the machine is 8 SPI (3.1mm) and would like to extend the stitch length to 4 SPI (6mm) or possibly 5 SPI (5 mm). The machine appears to be limited to 8 SPI by the foot lift eccentric....is there some way or adjustment to extend the stitch length that I am missing... or does this 111G156 have a max stitch length of 8 SPI (3.1 mm).
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