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  1. @Dwight Does this ZYT pliers come with the correct dies? Thank you! Also, are these pliers compatible with the DOT style snaps, like @ljk mentioned?
  2. Thanks for the replies, this is great advice! @DwightCan you tell me a little more about why the snap setting tool is better than hammering them in with the post tool? Is it hard to get the snap parts to line up correctly with the hammer type installation? @ljk Are the Tandy snaps the DOT/Fasnap type?
  3. I'm looking to buy some snaps and would love some recommendations for good quality ones that can be purchased in relatively small quantities, ie 50-100. I use my gear hard and so would like to find a brand that folks have experience with under harsh conditions. I bought a bag at my local chain fabric store, and they broke very quickly. Then, I got a recommendation from a custom outdoor gear manufacturer to buy from fasnap.com, but they only sell in quantities of 1,000. Does anybody have a recommendation for snaps that they have seen last a long time under hard use, that can be bought in smaller quantities? Thank you.
  4. Great, I will go with the Buckleguy option, thanks for all your help!
  5. What is the best method for cutting them down? And if I cut them down, how much should I leave to hammer over? EDIT: Never mind, I found a good video on Buckleguy website. Thanks for your help, everybody!
  6. Hi, I'm looking at two different 1" nickel-plated roller buckles, one from Tandy and one from Buckleguy. The price difference at the quantities I need is over $2 each. Is the Buckleguy one really that much better? Opinions welcome. Thanks! Photo is the Buckleguy, download is the Tandy. I can't figure out how to get the Tandy pic to upload as a pic and not a downloadable file :/ tandy.webp
  7. OK, I'm finally getting around to ordering materials for this project. I need the rivets to go through approximately 1/2" of material (leather plus canvas). Should I get 3/4" or 1" post length? Thanks!
  8. Great, thanks y'all, I appreciate it.
  9. Hi, I'm making some canoe portage packs and am looking to rivet the leather straps onto the canvas pack. I'm using an existing pack as a pattern. I'd like to find rivets like these, which are going through 4 layers of leather (1 is inside the pack as a reinforcement) and 2 layers of thick canvas. For scale, the leather strap is about 1" wide. Can someone post a link to where I might buy some? I've searched online but have been overwhelmed by all the options and haven't found what I'm looking for. Thanks! Another photo of buckle assembly from the side, showing how long the rivet is:
  10. The link does not work for me. Neither do a number of the other pinned tutorials at the top of the front page of this forum. I sent a message to the admin a few days ago informing them of this.
  11. I have looked for single edge creasers online but can only find the kind that have a u-shaped blade profile, meant for compressing the edge of the leather. Can anybody point me to a reasonably priced ($20 and under) single edge creaser for making a single line? TSes, can you tell me how long to soak the leather before creasing?
  12. Thanks for the replies, I appreciate it. I have two more questions: 1) I've found single-edge and adjustable creasers for sale. It seems as though you could set the blades of the adjustable creaser together and use it anywhere on the leather to create a single line, correct? 2) Here are links to two adjustable creasers: https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/craftool-pro-adjustable-creaser https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/craftool-adjustable-creaser Is it worth it to buy the more expensive one? I will only use this a couple times a year on my own projects, so don't need top of the line, but I've also found that it often isn't worth it to buy the cheapest thing out there since it'll just break.
  13. Hello, I am interested in making some basic Puukko sheaths. Many of the simple, traditional designs have lines pressed into the leather (see photo below). Can anybody tell me how to do that? It looks like it is pretty simple, but I have tried without success. I have pushed down the leather with a hard edge, and it creates a line, but the line fades over time. How do you make it permanent? Thanks very much.
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