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  • Location
    Union Springs, New York
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    Leather, decoy carving, fly tying, lure making, rod building

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  1. This is 3 layers, maybe 15oz total. Number one is a crawl speed, number 2 is full speed, number 3 is in between
  2. Thanks so much for the replies. I’m trying to reduce the size of my photos to show you my setup. I’m using 138 nylon thread, groz Beckert perp point size 22 needle…. Maybe I need to check my foot pressure.
  3. I’m using an iPhone. File size is big!
  4. I’m using an iPhone. File size is big!
  5. Thanks for the comments. I don’t know how to post pictures here, wish I could. This machine is essentially new. I guess I better start fresh and do initial setup again. I have 2 other machines (not cobras) that I just hop on and use without issue but I haven’t been able to do that with this one. I’ll update with needle size etc
  6. I have a cobra class 26. I don’t use it very often because I can’t seem to dial in the settings. Not sure how to post a photo here. Sewing through approx 12oz I can get it to sew ok on a test piece but when I sew my project it’s a mess. It’s not walking evenly, knots are showing on top. It’s a mess. Any ideas? Thanks
  7. Thank you so much for that reply. Yes 207 for appearances only. I’ll try what you mentioned!
  8. I’m still trying to dial in settings on my class 26. Did 35 hat patches recently. 207 thread, 5oz veg tan. Every time I I come to a corner and do a half stitch and advance the needle by hand I get a loop of thread there. I also run into problems running over my starting point when finishing stitch. No matter what I did I could not rid of that knot that shows on bobbin thread. Any tips on these things? Thank you
  9. I'd say similar to tiger except its more round than flat. I think its a tighter weave too. I love the colors and its definitely high quality. Being round i think it gives you a nice stitch line pattern too, different from tiger. Id post a pic if i knew how! my files are too big...
  10. I tried Maine Threads braided waxed thread recently. I love the colors, love the company, love that its american made but i find it difficult to work with. I think its too round. Its very difficult to pierce the thread with a harness needle(im using the proper size needle). I have to pierce the thread with an awl in order to be able to thread needle. Its difficult to get the backstitches to lay properly. Also, wax clogs the needle eyes after a couple uses... But its definitely high quality and the colors are great. Wish I could love this stuff. Have you tried it? Mark
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