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  1. Thank you Jim, will research some and try it soon.
  2. Hi, does anyone know what brand is this? I've recently found a plow gauge in my grandma's house, she couldn't remember what the brand was. Is it ok if I use a green Langsol block compound to clean the brass? or should I use Autosol/ Brasso? And for the metal parts to remove the rust shoud I submerge them in vinegar or oxalic acid overnight? Because the rust is really tough to buff, I've used some 150 - 240 grit sandpaper and some warm soapy water, still it won't come off completely. Sorry for the noob questions, I'm a newbie in this trade and never have any second hand tools before so I'm not sure how to do restoration on it and I don't get much information from youtube either. Thank you, any suggestion or info would be very much appreciated.
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