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Everything posted by codejoy

  1. I need to order online more, and I have to say, I didn't spend a lot of on the stuff I was buying at tandy. The roll or whatever it was (not a belly but next one up) was like $40 , so to start a new hobby it was a nice investment. I guess as I am growing in it I am learning that I need to spend more to make better stuff.
  2. I got nervous, cause as I am learning I want to keep things... the same? I guess. So I can figure out when *i* mess up and its not a product. But this was kinda of annoying. I am feeling more comfortable branching out and heard of rocky mountain leather I will give a try. Their 3-4oz does vary in thickness too but it has always been supple. Hmm. Oh well still learning and having fun glad I asked this...lol for a moment the cardboardy'plasticy one I thought I needed a deglazer on to turn it supple like it had stuff left over from the tannery :D My local supplier is this small mom and pop store that I would LOVE to support but they are really in shoe repair and rarely have the right thickness in of the right kinds I want to work with.
  3. I had a question wasn't sure what to ask or how. I started this hobby a few months ago. Went to my 'local' tandy (60 miles away) and got a roll of 5-6oz veg tan tooling leather. I wanted to play around with a cricut to have it cut it (I cannot cut a straight line to save myself) did a wallet tutorial using rivets, the wallet I use to this day but noticed it always felt 'plasticy' or wasn't very supple. Even before I put the satin shene on it to seal it. Okay...so made a few fun things from that leather, and even another roll after. Always felt i mean like leather, but a bit hard or plasticy or almost cardboardy.. Then I went to buy a third roll, now this roll same thickness, veg tan tooling leather and yet this one, feels VERY soft and way more supple than the other. What am I missing? They were all the same leathers, they all had the same cost. Why does the most recent roll feel much softer/supple and pliable.
  4. Hello, I have made a few wallets (using simple online tutorials) but they are all: 4-5oz veg tanned tooling leather wallets. I hand tooled a design, and set my own snaps and rivets (fold over design etc, so none are yet stiched). Well I got some 2-3 oz leather (maybe 3-4) but it is veg tan tooling leather too from tandy but it is WAY more supple. Is this what typical wallets that fold are made out of? I like the ones I made out of the 4-5oz but after I am done they do feel like 'plasticy' almost till they get worked in. I had thought the thinner leather would be better but not sure now. I guess I am curious what most people use. I see lots of 'tutorials' and patterns for the wallet but very few seem to say 'this is this oz leather, and this was made with this oz leather' etc... Totally new, but learning....and well have nothing but time now :/ and a roll of that lighter leather to use (my 4-5 oz leather is all gone for now)...
  5. I am not sure where to post this question so trying for here... I have some nice leather paints (a red) that I would like to use on one of my projects. I am dyeing the leather, then plan to paint it. Then I am going to use satin shene to seal it. Is that the correct order? Or should I seal it with the satin shene before I paint it?
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