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  1. thanks @scoutmom103
  2. thanks everyone - I figured it had to be repainted because I have never seen a white one. I may give it a go with my current 31-15 because it is soooooooooo ugly Love that red one!! I think it would give you energy when you look at it!
  3. hey everyone ! I've posted before about my Singer 31-15 that I love so much, and recently saw a photo of a 31-20 that was painted white, with gold decals. Does anyone know if these were manufactured with the white color at one time, or do you think someone painted them, and applied new decals? It was sold by the time I saw it, but I'll attach screenshots. Along the same lines, can people share their stories of painting these type of machines, and what type of paint they used? Thanks
  4. thanks Bert - actually the "professional" Singer walking feet are made for industrials. It had to be modified because the 31-15 has a longer stroke. The domestic singer walking feet are different. I'm glad we figured it out tho!
  5. hi - thanks for the reply! I was able to find a singer walking foot that said 'professional' on it at SingerOnline.com, and those are specifically meant for industrials. My husband did the dremmel modification, and then we needed a longer screw that holds the needle in (sorry, not sure what it's called...). It took a little time to find the right machine screw that had the right threading on it, but without the longer screw the little fork on the walking foot wouldn't allow the needle screw to be screwed in all the way. So now it's working. Not as quiet and smooth as some walking foot machines I've seen, but I used it for a few hours and no problems yet.
  6. hi all, The threads I've read so far are super informative and interesting, but I haven't yet found an answer to my question. I've had a Singer 31-15 for several years and sew on it constantly (not leather really, just fabric), and love the stitch quality and how perfect it looks. I would like to do more straight line quilting on it, and think a walking foot might help with feeding the fabric through a little more perfectly, but have only found this resource for an adapted even feed foot for it: http://www.treadleon.net/sewingmachineshop/walkingfootmod/walkingfootmod.html Unfortunately I read that this person has since passed away, but my husband helped make the adaptation to a singer even feed foot for me. I'm scared to try it because I don't want to throw off the timing or anything on my machine, and the reason I'm nervous is because in the article and photo it shows a "professional" even feed foot and I just bought the singer even feed foot I found at Joanns. Does anyone know if the professional one might be specifically made for industrial type machines? I tried searching for Professional even feed feet and couldn't find any that said that on them... thanks for any advice! Ellene
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