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About Brianmd

  • Rank
    New Member

Profile Information

  • Location
    Sarnia, Ontario
  • Interests
    Lacrosse stick stringing

LW Info

  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Internet search
  1. Hi folks...I’m brand new here and happy to be dropping in! I run a no -profit kids lacrosse program in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada and we try to do as much stuff on our own as possible to keep costs down. We’re always repairing sticks or helping kids fix up sticks that they’ve found at yard sales or flea markets, and were always on the hunt for leather runners for stringing the sticks. A quick Google search will show you what I mean if you don’t know. We used to go to a local tack shop/saddle repair place and buy scraps to make our own leathers with but they’ve closed. We can’t afford to be buying custom lacrosse leathers and shipping them here all of the time. We just want to find more scrap! If anyone here can help us out we’d be grateful times about a billion. Our program is called Janie Twohander Lacrosse, or Janie Lax. If you wanted to see the kiddos and get an idea of who we are you could google us, or me, I suppose, or find us on Instagram at @thisisjanielax. We’re definitely not your average youth sports program. We operated for the first five years at no cost, just survived on donations, and now charge a minimal $35 to pay insurance. We’re busy trying to fight back against a pretty out of control youth sports culture and we’re doing alright. In seven years we’ve grown from 12 girls to over 140! You can look as deeply into that as you’d like or just check out a few pics or media stories. We just hope a few of you folks would be eager to help us find some scrap that we can cut into leathers for stick repair and refurbishment. Plus, we like the idea of supporting you, not some giant company shipping garbage leather from China. If anyone here wants to find a home for their scrap, if it’s long enough to cut leather runners out of, we’d make sure it ends up in a kids stick! Usually it’s 7-8oz leather and tough enough to handle the beating a lacrosse stick would give it, so probably alum treated or even vegetable treated. Chrome treated usually stretches out too much. Excited to maybe hear from some of you! Drop us a line at itsajaniething@gmail.com. We’d love to hear from you.
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