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  • Location
    Clarkesville, GA
  • Interests
    horses, reading, artist, gardening, LOTS of things.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Made a belt in Floyd LIngle's leather shop/garage
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    Floyd Lingle

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  1. Hi. I rode every morning about 6:30 - 7:00 AM with Floyd Lingle at Buddy Barnett's barn and arena. He and Buddy were the closest folks to a father I've ever had. Does your saddle have his invention that lets your legs go anywhere you need for them to go? He put those gizmos on my saddle as he was teaching me to ride like a true working cowboy. We had the best time in the world. I think I got to ride with Mr. Floyd like that for about 12 years. He and Miss Pansy were wonderful. She planted some tomato plants one day and that night, Ol' Stoop, Mr. Floyd's wonderful old horse (Who had been cutting horse champion a long time ago.) ate the tomato plants. Miss Pansy was upset, and said, "Either me or that &&^%^$%$ old horse has to go!" "Well, Pansy, I'm sure gonna miss you," replied Mr. Floyd. I had to go around the corner of the garage where he did his leather work, to laugh. Those two, Buddy and Mr. Floyd, decided I needed to ride bareback broncs in the Silver Spurs rodeo. I didn't have any better sense than to agree. Mr. Floyd made me a riggin' and we started with my mare. She was a lovely AQHA Poco Bueno granddaughter. She thought that was the best fun! She wasn't a very good teacher, however, since if I got out of balance, she'd shift herself so I didn't fall off. Boy, I thought I was going to be a winner! Buddy went to Oklahoma and brought back a trailer full of horses to sell. They decided I need to buck them all out...and I did just fine til I came to a little bitty horse. He sulled in the gate. They decided he wasn't gonna buck, so gave me a bat for one hand and the reins for the other. Buddy said, "Whap him back of your leg. He'll move then." I did. "Whap!" He threw back his head and knocked me colder than the coldest beer. I came to and remember looking down on the little tree that grew outside the fence at the arena. When I hit the ground, it took me about 2 - 3 minutes until I could breathe again. Those two guys were a lot scareder than me...but I was ok, I thought. I got up and we put a saddle on the little horse and I rode him a long time and he was going good. Ha. The next morning I could not move. I HURT. I went to the ER and I had broken my pelvis. I could stay in the hospital for six weeks in traction or I could go home and tough it out. I chose to go home. If you want to talk about Mr. Floyd, just email bethscribble@aol.com Oh, the pelvis healed just fine. I had bruised my right hip and Arthur moved in. He destroyed my hip and I had to have it replaced. He moved to the other hip and now I am the proud possessor of two titanium hips. Every time I ache some, I think of that tiny little horse. Floyd Lingle was a wonderful, kind man. He and Buddy were so good to me. Oh, I'm Beth. "
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