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Everything posted by JamesBrankin

  1. There aren’t really any in the UK that have as wide of a range of products that Weaver has. I’m quite envious of what you guys have over there. But I sure wish I had a Weaver nearby.
  2. Well, as I mentioned, this post is solely for the purposes of what was asked - how would you fill your workshop, kind of thing. Your comment isn’t really in the spirit of what was asked, I’m afraid.
  3. Someone has kindly helped with this. Thank you! But I’d still be interested in seeing how you’d use your budget.
  4. Hello guys and gals, I believe this is my first post, but have been following for a number of weeks now. I’m hoping some of you may be willing to help me with some budgeting and selecting equipment and tools for a startup. This post is solely for that purpose. I am probably going to add other posts for different questions over the next few days for other areas I’d like to find out more about. I’ve also added a bit of a background at the end of this just to give you an idea of the lucky position I am in and why I’m asking you guys. The one thing I have been asked to do by Stewart (private sector guy) Is to compile a list of all tools and equipment I will need plus prices. Under his advice, I’ve to aim sort of middle of the road and up in terms of quality and price for reliability and the option of selling later. I have a budget of £25,000 for the whole business, but let’s say I’ll throw £15,000 at tools and equipment, and naturally doesn’t include consumables such as thread, glue, finishes, leather etc. I can be flexible on the £15,000 to perhaps £17.5k. Tools would include cutting tools, edgers, groovers etc. What tools and brands would you fill your toolbox with? I need reliability. Equipment, which is what I really need some help selecting, would include a clicker press, skiver, splitter (Or two-in-one?), hand press, imprinter, etc. But the most difficult one is the laser engraver. I’m also going with a MacBook Pro and iPad Pro for designing, and because they live longer than any Windows PC or laptop I’ve ever had, so some software suggestions would be greatly appreciated. What reliable brands would you recommend? I’d also be looking for those that aren’t a pain in the neck to repair or maintain. So here’s the background. I’d been living abroad for ten years where I had a business, but got stranded at home in the UK due to covid and subsequently lost my business. During the quarantine, I approached a government-funded organisation whose purpose is to help the average Joe start their own businesses from taking an idea and turning it into a viable business plan that you can use to the apply for grants and loans. My initial business plan was for £4,000 to start out really small as a hobby business. I contacted the funding guys to ask some questions who then informed me that I ticked all the boxes for funding and to return with a watertight business plan and I will be given the cash. It was really that simple. To cut a long story short, because it really is long... the advisors must’ve realised that because a lot of the government was in shutdown, they couldn’t help me, because because they brought in a guy from the private sector who, at our first meeting, said that I should start bigger, employ some people etc. I would qualify for a grant of £25,000 ($37,000-ish), he’d be attached to me for the next three years and would help me apply for all grants that the government is throwing at businesses in the town in which I live, and I tick all of their boxes. He even told me to give him all my notes and my business plan so that he can write it and present it to the funding organisation. The private sector guy, Stewart, who also happens to be a Scot, works for one of the top consultancies in the UK and has told me the government is paying his company and any bonuses are dependent on my success - so it’s free, I’ve signed nothing and the guy has an interest in the company’s success. I’ve basically landed in shite and come out smelling of roses. Other organisations that I’ve been in contact with over the months have never heard of anything like it before and are even chipping in some help too. It’s almost like Dragon’s Den/Shark Tank and I didn’t really have to do much at all. The hard part for me is yet to come. That’s the background, and I know a lot of experienced crafters and businesses would always advise on starting out small, and will almost definitely have a lot of criticism to add without knowing anything of my own background and experience, not to mention the contacts I have in various places all over Europe and Asia - I was an English Language Teacher to high-profile people, sports people and celebrities, and when potentially hundreds of thousands of pounds over the next three years, and full support from the government in an area of economic regeneration and multi-million pound investment, not to mention my very own Dragon/Shark, what would you do? It’s a no-brainer.
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