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Everything posted by JoeEvans

  1. Thanks folks. I’m not too concerned about the bag’s scars and stains. I just want to preserve it, add a strap, and use the heck out of it. So I’ll start by conditioning and then try to match the stain. What would you suggest to clean it? Just water? Soap and water?
  2. Hey folks, I’ve got an old briefcase sur of things from my grandfather that I’d like to recondition and add a shoulder strap to. I’ve got quandary about the stain though. Should I simply try to match the strain of the new strap that I’ll put on? If I try to match, what color should I try? Or should I try to deglaze and restain it altogether? Also, if I wanted to restain it, is acetone followed by lemon juice and cream of tartar a good method? I’ve read it online for stripping protective layers(acetone) then removing stains(juice and cream of tartar). I’ll attach pictures All the best, Joe
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