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About knowhowe

  • Birthday 10/21/1953

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Chester UK
  • Interests
    Leatherworking (obviously), photography, design, music (play mandolin, congas, darbuka), Chester and Liverpool history (www.chesterwalls.info), drinkin' 'n' smokin', attempting to create the perfect curry.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    fine tooling / good design
  • Interested in learning about
    how others do it!
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Google search

knowhowe's Achievements

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  1. Thanks for the warm welcome guys. What a friendly place I've found! If I may, a question to the British members out there. As I mentioned earlier, I've been away from the game for some time, but having returned to the fold, am having to rediscover sources of tools and materials. Back then, I used to be able to take the ferry across the Mersey from Liverpool over to the tannery in Birkenhead, where I was free to grub around among piles of skins and choose those I wanted. I was paying around £15-20 per hide in those days!! (If only it were the same today..) Birkenhead Tannery is long gone, sadly, along with many others no doubt. A spot of internet research found me Clayton's Tannery in Chesterfield, Derbyshire as my nearest source to my home here in Chester- a couple of hours pleasant drive over the Pennines (except in the Winter!) It's a fabulous place that seems to deal with every leather imaginable and has a decent postal service too. i was somewhat shocked by their prices but I guess I'm years out-of-date on such things... For buckles, sewing stuff, dyes etc I've so far been dealing with a saddlery suppliers in Knutsford- situated between Chesterfield and Chester, conveniently. Also very comprehensively stocked but, to my mind, also very expensive. So, what recommendations can you offer regarding suppliers of these materials here in the UK? Are prices pretty much the same between companies- and will I just have to get used to them?
  2. Hmm, yes. I get that a lot. I play a mandolin, congas and darbuka (Turkish drum) but no guitar worth mentioning. I wouldn't mind if my namesake had been in a band I actually liked, but I could never stand Yes. Got a lazy Saturday in front of me- wife and kids are away- so will have a beer or two and spend some time nosing around the forum.
  3. Hello everyone! I'm very happy to have found Leatherworker.net and its forum and I thought I'd say hi to you all. I used to love working in leather back in the 70s but then I discovered photography, marriage, kids and other stuff and the leather stopped happening for the next quarter century. Recently, the 'digital revolution' and economic climate have effectively put paid to much of my once-busy photography business so I thought I'd make good use of my new-found 'leisure time' by reviving my old leatherworking skills. This has, implausably, developed into 'GoodHiding Leather Products' ('get what you deserve!'), based in the beautiful old Roman city of Chester in NW England. Lots of stuff to add yet, but have a look at my new website anyway- www.goodhiding.co.uk If you want to check out my photography, it's here- www.bwpics.co.uk - and my internet guide to Chester is here- www.chesterwalls.info I'm a tour guide here too, so get in touch if you're planning a visit! Be seeing you!
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