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About HorseHairKeepsakes

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    New Member

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  • Interests
    Horses, jewelry making, reading, gardening

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Hand stitching, inlays, tooling
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Internet search of Leatherworking

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  1. Hello all! Happy to have found this place! I have been watching a lot of videos and have ordered the basic tools that I need but am still not sure how to get good results cutting out a narrow strip for an inlay in a bracelet. Bit of backstory I should add, I have been making horse hair jewelry, mostly bracelets for almost 10 years and am expanding my business. I am already making wrap bracelets with horse hair, leather and beads. I have seen some beautiful inlay bracelets done with horse hair. I’m using a lightweight 3/4” leather straps, a sharp blade and I am using a groover to mark the lines before I cut my lines for my inlay. Maybe just more practice? Am I missing something? And advice would be helpful! I’m tired of wasting leather it’s too expensive to keep practicing on. Should add I live in Canada and order from Tandy, can order other supplies if I need to!
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