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About gretencord

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  1. @stelmackr thank you for the resources and they are both at my library!
  2. @YinTx, @battlemunky: That idea sounds like it might be a good first attempt for the boys to cut their teeth on and we'll see if it holds. @Rahere, that sounds like a solid, long-term solution. Do you have a recommended resource to learn more about this particular bookbinding process? Thank you all for your suggestions!
  3. Hello, The boys for our scouting organization have a spiral bound field manual that they use for their entire career with the troops which could be 12 years at the most. The problem is the covers are ripping off with wear and tear. One of the achievement courses in their manual is leather working so I thought it would be a great project to create a book cover for their manuals. Most patterns and kits I find however are made to slide the notebook covers into pockets. Any alternative ideas? Thanks!
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