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Everything posted by NerdXertz

  1. That is helpful. I was hoping to make my own, as I already have the leather, buckles, and rivets I need. This will be a good back up option if I can't get a pattern, though. Thank you!
  2. Accidental repost. Sorry. Didn't see a "delete post" button.
  3. Hi 2B, I know I am very late to the conversation, but I wanted to offer some input. First of all, I have an actual pair of 1915(ish) leather puttees. (And they do have "puttees" written on the original box, so you are not wrong in the naming of them.) I also have a WWI uniform guide for US troops for 1917 and for 1918. It has both the wraps and leather gaiters listed under the 1917 uniform options (dependent on your units' guidelines), and the leather puttees as the preferred options for the 1918 uniform. This was not for mounted units only. It was also for an vehicle-based units (ambulances and such), and I believe artillery units as well. Secondly, were you ever able to find a pattern? I am currently trying to make a pair, since the 1915 pair I have are not nearly big enough for my gargantuan calves; and I also don't want to damage them. They are rolled tightly and well molded/hardened to the leg shape, so laying them out to make a pattern is not possible.
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