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About DellaTerraStudios

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Location
    Mesa, AZ

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Stabbing my fingers while stitching
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Hello all. I am a working metalsmith and bronze sculptor, but pops has been a leather smith all his life. He was a saddle maker in the 60's and 70's and still makes things for tourists in a sleepy AZ town. Due to space issues, he gave me his Landis No3 machine with a massive cast iron stand/base that contains the pedals for motion. I have restored several old machines that I have incorporated into my metal work and I'm ready to "restore" the Landis. I use quotes because its not broken, it works flawlessly. It just old has been painted (terribly) years ago and needs the love it deserves to look as good as it runs. It's truly an incredible machine. My leather skills are decent and I actually love the relaxation of saddle stitching and the relaxed pace. Unless is Christmas time and I have a ton of things to make. lol. I'm rambling, I fully intend to use this machine. I have watched videos and read posts here, but im really clueless on this machine. How to thread it, which parts/needles to be using and where to get them. Or even a manual. Most videos I have found are just of the machine sewing. I am sure this has been asked before, but I'm hoping to get some info to get me going while I start my restoration. And make this introduction. Thanks in Advance, Matt
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