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    Burnishing, buffing

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Mainly custom requests so it’s pretty random
  • Interested in learning about
    Finding alternative tools to really expensive ones for my tiny shop
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    I see it plenty of times when I type a leathercraft related question in google.

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  1. Howdy, I'm new to leather working. I've been doing it for close to two years now. I've been wanting to build myself a pair of all leather boots. I have no idea where to start. All the books I've searched online have mixed reviews and I want to make sure I get the right kind of leather for the soles. I have no cobbler specific tools but shoot it doesn't matter, if I need it, I'll get it. I've just been yearning to push my skills to another level and finally make something for myself. Thanks all.
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